Friday, January 16, 2009

Are you bleeding, or is that your pen?

This may be slightly outside of my normal posting regimen, but being that it concerns pen and ink I thought I would post it anyway.

Seems in Australia they tried to outlaw using red pens to correct schoolwork, because the color red was "too aggressive" and could lead to self-esteem issues when students do poorly.

Let's look at two words:

Asshole Asshole

Do you find either of these words more or less offensive when compared with the other?

I didn't think so...

How about these:

Romantic Island Getaway Romantic Island Getaway

Did you look at one of these and get all misty, while the other one left you, well.... "meh"?

I didn't think so...

How did we get along all those years not knowing about this supposed 'study' that gave us this tidbit of legislative masturbatory fodder?

Folks, an "F" is an "F" is an "F", and an "A" is an "A" is an "A".

Whoever came up with this is probably the student that should have been left behind...

I use the biggest Pelikan fountain pen made, with a triple broad nib, loaded with Cardinal Red ink. I fill it weekly.

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